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Create a realm

Request Body

"label": "My first realm", // required
"data": { // optional
"myCustomData": "Some data"

Response Body

"id": "realm-123",
"result": "success"

Update a realm

Updates a realm's label or data. Properties in data are merged into the realms existing data - so if your realm's current data is {"firstname": "Homer"} and you update it with {"lastname": "Simpson"}, the resulting data will be {"firstname": "Homer", "lastname": "Simpson"}. To remove a property, set it to null.

Request Body

"label": "My first realm", // optional
"data": { // optional
"myCustomData": "Some data"

Response Body

"id": "realm-123",
"result": "success"

Read a realm

Response Body

"id": "realm-123",
"label": "My first realm",
"data": {
"myCustomData": "Some data"

List realms

Response Body

"realm-123": {
"id": "realm-123",
"label": "My first realm",
"data": {
"myCustomData": "Some data"
"realm-456": {
"id": "realm-456",
"label": "My second realm",
"data": {
"value": 123

Delete a realm

Response Body

"id": "realm-123",
"result": "success"

Search within a realm


This endpoint lets you perform a fulltext search accross ids, labels and fields in data for objects and areas within a realm. If you are looking for a method that returns objects based on certain filter criteria, e.g. type=scooter and charge<0.2, use the list objects endpoint instead.

Query Parameters

  • searchString - The string to search for. Required.
  • fields - By default, search looks for matches in an object's id, label and the values in its data. You can limit the fields that are searched by specifying a comma separated list of fields. For example, fields=id,label will only search for matches in the id and label. Optional.
  • maxObjectResults - The maximum number of objects to return. Defaults to 999. Optional.
  • maxAreaResults - The maximum number of areas to return. Defaults to 999. Optional.

Response Body

"homer-simpson": {
"id": "homer-simpson",
"label": "Homer J. Simpson",

// the position of the match in the field's value. Useful to highlight matches in a UI.
"startIndex": 6,
"endIndex": 13,

// the field the match was found in. Can be "id", "label" or the name of a field in data.
"foundIn": "id",

// can be obj or are
"type": "obj",

// the actual value of whatever field the result was found in
"value": "homer-simpson"
"lisa-simpson": {
"endIndex": 12,
"foundIn": "id",
"id": "lisa-simpson",
"label": "Lisa Simpson",
"startIndex": 5,
"type": "obj",
"value": "lisa-simpson"