Use the JavaScript Client SDK to connect to Hivekit from a Browser or NodeJS.
client handles connectivity and provides access to the client.realm and client.system namespaces.
client.system provides access to system-level functionality needed to build tooling around a running Hivekit Cluster. This is targeted to Hivekit's On-Premise offering for enterprise customers and won't have much use for Hivekit Cloud users.
Realms group objects, areas, subscriptions and instructions together. To learn more about them, head over to our guide on core concepts.
Realm Usage
Objects are the main concept within Hivekit. An object usually represents a concrete entity in the physical world, e.g., a delivery rider, a vehicle, an employee, a sensor, or a machine.
Areas describe a circular, rectangular or polygonal section within a realm. They are a great way to demark districts of a city, fields within a farm, buildings within a complex or security zones on a mining site. They can also act as a stationary or roaming geofence and provide a filtering mechanism for objects in subscriptions and instructions.
An instruction is a bit of HiveScript code that is executed by the server in response to events or changes to data.
Realms in Hivekit come with a handy publish/subscribe mechanism for simple and fast many-to-many messaging. You can use this mechanism to send any data that isn't directly part of the state of objects, areas, or instructions - e.g. event notifications, incoming messages, alerts, etc.
Hivekit persists every update to every object, area, or instruction. You can access this history via the realm.history API.
Calling any subscribe method, e.g. realm.object.subscribe() returns a Subscription object.