connect apps, vehicles, sensors and servers
Securely connect vehicles, sensors, GPS trackers and mobile apps to Hivekit using a range of protocols and client SDKs. Stream location data such as coordinates, speed, heading or altitude as well as any other information, such as charge, fuel levels, current rider or rental ids.
...or don't
Don’t feel like writing integration code? No problem - Hivekit comes with a mobile app that let’s you track people, manage tasks, collect samples and reports and communicate with operators. You can also create QR codes that can be placed on vehicles. This way, app users can securely track vehicle locations without the need for extra hardware.
Build sophisticated apps
Hivekit provides the reliable data infrastructure to power thousands of mobile apps and browser dashboards.It lets you query historic trips and current locations, stream realtime updates and comes with all the advanced features such as (roaming) geofencing, areas, pub/sub messaging and programmable server logic that you need to build stellar location experiences.
Operator Interface Included
As your company grows, operations become ever more critical. Hivekit comes with one of the best operator interfaces on the market included with every subscription - fully integrated with our API and usable out of the box. See all your vehicle’s location and status, configure custom UIs and views, assign tasks like playing a realtime strategy game and write and test automation rules from once central interface.

Automate Workflows
As your operations become more complex, Hivekit’s automation rules can take care of a lot of recurring tasks. Directing a maintenance vehicle to unresponsive or low charge scooters, getting a taxi to the closest client, turning on ventilation when workers approach a mineshaft or sending security guards to an incident report are all just a few lines of code away.
An API that unlocks new geospatial usecases
With fast-flowing location data, real-time subscriptions and queries, and an event-driven rules engine, Hivekit makes it easy to create a new generation of location-based apps.
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Packed with features...
Lambda-Style Functions
Automate operations by running logic in response to events and conditions, manipulating objects, or invoking HTTP Webhooks.
track_changesRoaming Geofences
Scope realtime update feeds to a radius around a stationary or moving target.
turn_sharp_rightJourneys / Location History
Hivekit stores every datapoint and update, making it easy to display journeys on a map or track events leading up to an incident.
searchFulltext Search
Search through the entire data of objects and areas with simple full-text search
lock_openFlexible Authentication
Hivekit lets you issue your own JWTs on the fly to authenticate and permission users based on your user management system.
tuneFine-grained Permissions
Granularly control read, write and realtime update permissions for every user and concept.
wifi_offOnline Status
Check which clients are connected and which "objects" (vehicles, riders, staff members...) actively send data to the platform.
account_treePublish / Subscribe
Use our built-in pub-sub mechanism to simply share messages and notifications between connected clients and backend services.
Getting Started
I want to connect an app, website or server
I want to connect a person, vehicle or machine

Start building with Hivekit
Hivekit comes with a free tier that's sufficient for most development phases.
Sign up today and get started in minutes.

Also available On-Premises
Hivekit is built around a unique, horizontally scalable high performance server for in-memory geospatial event processing. This server is also available to run on your infrastructure in your datacenter
> Learn More